The Second Half…

The second half of the season is upon us! This is the biggest part of the year! Now we get serious, no more bad days, no more excuses, no more being lazy. If you want to be looked at by the higher programs, if you want to make your dreams happen NOW YOU PERFORM!!!

The second half of the year is what seperates the top dawgs vs the bubble guys. Why do I say that is because the second half is wherre you need to win at all cost. We play this game to win championships and coaches work all year to obtain that goal for their players and for their own coaching careers. No one wants to lose and it’s time to show that in your performance which will opne more doors than you could ever imagine!

How do you make this happen you ask? How do you play your best every single day? Here is how: Do your goalie training, talk to your mentor every week making sure your mind stays right and focused, eat well, stretch, rest enough, say no to the late night with the guys because it’s time to shine! If you do all these little things threy add up to the right habits and even better performances on the ice.

The job is easy, we make it difficult by trying to take shortcuts and thinking we could skirt by without putting in the work like you do in math class… But this is different you can’t do that and if you do their is no hiding it because it will show on the scoreboard.

So do your goalie training, practice the little detail every day in practice and talk to your mentor very often! This will allow you to stay consistent! If you don’t have any of this join my masterclass it gives you me and everything you need for practice every single day.



Why Mentorship Matters